What content marketers can learn from fake news
We’ve all recently been made aware of the proliferation of fake news, particularly within social media. Many large social media companies...

What do B2B buyers want?
In a recent LinkedIn Survey*, 70% of B2B buyers said their vendor relationships are fair or good, with only 28% describing them as very...

Forget the Hype: Three fundamental things B2B marketers must do in 2017
The marketing hype machine is in full force. Articles warning us about the newest marketing trends in 2017 are everywhere; AI, chat bots,...

Can the CEO be your best (millennial) marketer?
We know when CEOs speak it can have a big impact on their stock. But do potential customers, beyond the investment community, respond to...

B2B selling is harder than ever. Now what?
Outbound B2B sales are becoming more difficult and less effective. Consider these facts: A recent survey found connecting with a prospect...

Simple brands win
On our website's home page we make the statement that "simple is smart". Not just because it's a catchy slogan, but because it's good...

B2B = Business to Human
We marketers love the term “consumers”. We use it as if it is a foreign species we’ve discovered and are studying in the jungles of...

Are 'Brand Zombies' killing your brand?
It is amazing how much focus and attention (and money) companies give the branding process (typically done with expensive consultants)...